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The Case of the Disappearing Wallet

Writer's picture: Marcia SeligsonMarcia Seligson

A week ago my wallet was stolen in Pavilions supermarket. I was shopping there – it’s our favorite local market – and when I opened my purse to find my credit card at the checkout stand my wallet was gone.  I ran to the deli counter to see if it was there.  It wasn’t.  I talked to the manager, who told me this thievery had been happening lately.  I left my $180 worth of the week’s purchases with the clerk who promised the bags would be stored in a cooling bin until I picked them up later.  Given that I had two pints of ice cream in the array, I knew it should make its way into my home freezer soon.  But the Halo Top peanut butter ice cream was the least of my worries.


I checked my car to make sure the wallet hadn’t dropped from my purse onto the floor. It hadn’t.  I called my mani/pedi shop, where I had been before the market; it wasn’t there.  I realized that my wallet was really gone.  My two credit cards, my medical cards, my driver’s license, social security card, Costco, AAA and Bloomingdale’s cards. A small amount of cash. My lovely red leather wallet itself. It began to dawn on me that someone or someones had reached into my purse, somehow, and stolen my wallet that seemed to contain most of my life’s crucial information within.  I was frantic. I raced home to find the data I needed to cancel my two credit cards, which seemed to me to be the most important issues to deal with.  I found out from Visa that in the hour or so it took me to fill the shopping cart, discover the theft, and arrive home, the thief managed to steal $2500 from my Visa account.  The bank has no idea how that happened; certainly the thief was a woman who had my name and information and perhaps looks like me.  The most vital thing I learned was that I’m not responsible for that cash withdrawal, Visa is. They also told me the thief had tried to steal another $5000 but was turned down, then drove to Louis Vuitton, a fancy designer store in Santa Monica where you can make an appointment to see a salesperson. According to Visa, the crook was still in the store trying to steal or charge $7500 worth of goods but was turned down.  I called the police and told them the story, urging that they run over to the shop and arrest the thief.  They transferred me to so many different departments who couldn’t or wouldn’t help me that I assumed the monsters were already en route to Vegas or Mexico.


During the next few hours, I felt frantic; my husband Tom picked up the groceries (the ice cream hadn’t quite melted). I spoke to my friend Stef who had had a similar episode and urged me to get to the police station immediately and file a report.  I didn’t understand her command since the “goniffs” had clearly vanished.  But I listened anyway, and at 7:00 we drove to the nearest police station.  While we waited at a clearly understaffed office, a man entered reporting his stolen car, another said the catalytic converter on his Prius had been robbed.  Both guys were frantic but were seated on the waiting line.  This was indeed a bleak and depressing place, with very few uniforms and staff that all seemed to be counting the minutes until they could go home and watch the Olympics.  Finally, they came to me, and we filled out basic forms.  The uniformed and gun toting cop asked me dozens of questions that seemed to have nothing to do with my terrible story (did he really have to know my weight, really?) He told me to call on Tuesday to actually get the report. Why did I need all of this?  And why, according to friend Stef and the cop did I need to email the Federal Trade Commission to report everything that had happened?  I did it but still don’t understand why.


That night I couldn’t sleep.  In the quiet space of my bed, the rage was coming to the surface. How dare someone violate me like this?  I assume I was being targeted from the time I put my orange leather zipped-up purse into the shopping cart until he or she or they saw my attention being diverted into the ice cream freezer or the broccoli shelf or the packaged watermelon chunks. Then they quickly and professionally struck when I wasn’t paying attention.


At 3:00 a.m. I heard sounds coming from our upstairs terrace.  I thought, “it’s them, of course they have my address and they’ve broken in."  I woke Tom but by the time he became conscious the noise had stopped. We then figured  it was probably the ocean. At about 4:00 I shuffled around our home, drank ginger tea and plotted fruitless revenge, although I surely knew it would never come to pass. I was frightened.


I had not ever felt so violated. So victimized.  I know of course that there are darker and more dreadful crimes. I would never put this into those categories. But it was a deep and personal outrage.  The sense of being targeted and duped by nefarious thieves was new for me, really for the first time.


A few days later, after I went through the annoying and time-consuming process of shutting down and changing all my life’s information, I felt more in control and less enraged.  I do now feel stupid for carrying vital information in my wallet, and for dropping my purse into the top rack of the shopping cart. What kind of naïve dolt does that?  Hopefully, there’s a lesson learned: I will only carry one credit card and my car keys into a store with me, in a tiny bag that I can wear around my neck; the purse will remain comfortably inside my car.  Safe.

Please comment below if you've had a similar experience.

MY MOTHER WOULD HATE THIS BOOK is now available in hardcover, paperback & eBook on AmazonBarnes & Noble, or order through your local bookstore.

Check out my website and blog for stories and more:

“Marcia Seligson is one of the funniest, most original, and irreverent people I know, and her book carries all those qualities. She can make anything funny, from a Peloton bike to a 40-hour brisket cookery. And she can be touching, deep, and bracingly honest. My advice to readers is make sure you have unbroken time ahead when you pick up this book. Each time I did, intending to read for ten minutes, an hour went by before I looked up. And I’d laughed out loud at least twice.” Sara Davidson, Writer NY Times bestseller Loose Change, Head writer for Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman  

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Aug 09, 2024

oh my dear Marcia, such a nightmare only it really happened! i am running to my wallet to take a photo of everything I carry; too many credit cards! If I am not wearing a cross body purse, my arm is snaked through the purse strap and/or my shopping bags are resting upon it. Nevertheless, an OM to stay present so those bastards can't access our wallets!


Aug 08, 2024

My friend and I had something similar happen in Chicago. We were eating lunch in a little sidewalk cafe. She had her wallet on the table. She had insisted on paying for our lunch but realized when she went to pay her one credit card was gone. She reported it immediately. The fraud dept at the credit card company gave us a link to view the credit card as it traveled up and down Michigan Avenue going in store after store. She then said, s/he is about to go into the Apple Store. We'll nab them there. And poof it was over. But it's scary, and violating, and enraging. But good to let it go... otherwise they keep violating you…


Aug 08, 2024

I can completly relate to the rage and revenge fantasies. My lizard brain so easily overwhelms my normal Buddha like serenity. Jon

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